Papers presented to the SLABS (Sri Lanka Association of BuddhistStudies) Conference

  1. “Academic Significance of Textual Studies, Methodology”, TheSecond International Conference at Peradeniya – 17th November2006.
  2. Nekkhamma and Exodus – A Cross-Scripture Study”, The ThirdBiannual International Conference –  8,9,10 December,2008.
  3. “Tree of Love and Tree of Wisdom : An Inter Contextual Study inBuddhism and Christianity, Selected Homologues” The Fourth Conference –10,11,12 December2010.
  4. “The Meeting Point between Canonical and Biblical Teachings: AParadigmatic approach to a Comparative Study of Buddhism and Christianity”, TheFifth International Conference, September2013.


  1. Nekkhamma in Buddhism and Exodus in Christianity”, Encounters withthe Word, Essays in Honour of Aloysius Pieris s.j., 2004,321-329.
  2. Nekkhamma and Exodus: A Cross Scripture Study”, Buddhism:ContemporaryStudies – Selected papers 3rd International Conference, Sri Lanka Associationof Buddhist Studies, 2010,90-101.
  3. “Tree of Wisdom and Tree of Love: An Inter textual Study of Buddhismand Christianity in Terms of Homologues”, Dialogue (NS), Vols. xxxvii &xxxviii, 2010 &2011,93-101.

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